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Whether you want to save on energy or avoid maintenance, we can show you how our smart monitoring solution will benefit your plant. Don’t wait any longer and start saving on time and costs right away.
Request a demoLegislation such as the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) is pushing industries to improve their energy efficiency. Increasing energy efficiency will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and cut energy costs for companies. However, a lack of resources, time and complexity are often reasons for industries, especially small to medium enterprises (SMEs), not to invest in energy efficiency measures.
By 2030, the EU will have to reach an energy efficiency target of 32.5%. Putting energy efficiency first is a key objective of the EU, as energy savings are the easiest way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Article 8 of the 2012 Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU) addresses energy audits and energy management systems in the European member states. One of the measures that has been adopted throughout Europe requires that large companies must conduct energy audits at least every four years. SMEs do not have the obligation to perform an audit, but SMEs are encouraged to improve their energy efficiency by implementing energy audits and energy saving measures. There are many national subsidy schemes available for investments in energy efficiency measures.
In the EED, energy audits are defined as ‘systematic procedures’ used to identify, quantify and report existing energy consumption profiles and energy savings opportunities in buildings, industrial or commercial operations or installations, and in private or public services. Energy management systems (EMS) are defined as sets of elements of plans establishing energy efficiency objectives and strategies to achieve these objectives. Energy audits are an integral part of energy management systems.
To realise energy savings, it is important to increase insight into your company’s energy use. A first step to take is to install energy sensors to get data on your machine-level energy consumption. The data can be used to benchmark the machines, monitor the energy flows and to create an energy balance. These insights can be used for the energy audit.
Sensorfact can help you get insight into your energy consumption on a machine level. With these insights, our Energy Consultants can help you identify relevant energy savings. As the regulations differ from country to country, our Energy Consultants can also assist with advising about available subsidy schemes.
Whether you want to save on energy or avoid maintenance, we can show you how our smart monitoring solution will benefit your plant. Don’t wait any longer and start saving on time and costs right away.
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